Julia Knox
(206)-369-7609 jmknox3@cps.edu
Chicago, Illinois
August, 2021 – May, 2023
Master of Education, University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign, IL
Secondary Education, concentrating in English
GPA: 4.0/4.0
Licensure: Professional Educator License in Grades 9-12 in English Language Arts
September, 2017 – June, 2021
Bachelor of Arts, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Major in English, concentrating in Creative Writing
Minor in Education, Learning, and Society
GPA: 3.93/4.00
Honors: magna cum laude
August, 2023 - June, 2024
9th Grade English Teacher, Crane Medical Preparatory High School, Chicago, IL
Adapted Skyline curriculum by writing daily lesson plans to serve my students.
Increased the Freshman On Track Rate from 80 to 93.1% for Semester 1, through individualized remediation plans, group tutoring, and one-on-one support.
Utilized Star360 data to implement MTSS-based grouping in the classroom, such as designing lessons that allow students to engage with Romeo and Juliet independently, in small groups, and with differentiated instructor support.
Collaborated weekly with the 9th grade team and English department to provide academic structure, classroom routine, and consistent expectations to better support learners.
Contacted an average of three families weekly throughout the school year to update them on their students and encourage a cohesive learning community.
Tailored instruction and adapted curriculum for Spanish-speaking students who joined the school midyear.
Established and advised the Poetry Club by facilitating weekly poetry reading and writing after school as well as performing at the Black History Month Assembly.
January, 2023 – May, 2023
Student Teacher, Bismarck-Henning-Rossville-Alvin High School, Bismarck, IL
Executed co-written lesson plans for four classes of sophomore English, quickly adapted in the moment, and co-taught with cooperating teacher to best serve diverse students’ needs.
Substitute taught for cooperating teacher, balancing instruction, assessment, and rapport-building.
August, 2021 – May, 2023
Graduate Writing Consultant, Writers Workshop, University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign
Tutored an average of 10 university students weekly across disciplinary forms of writing, including personal statements, essays, graduate theses, dissertations, and research papers.
Presented to diverse audiences, introducing the Writers Workshop and its services to classes and explaining strategies on writing thesis statements, long-term writing, and professional application writing.
Mentored three undergraduate tutors by leading, co-tutoring, and observing sessions.
Mediated discussion on tutoring strategies and goals to improve practice with my mentees and fellow tutors.
July, 2022 – August, 2022
Writing Instructor, Illinois Scholars Program – Summer Bridge Experience, University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign
Introduced incoming first-year scholars to college-level research and writing, three times a week during the three week program.
Synthesized daily lesson plans cooperatively, incorporating activities to apply course concepts and bolster students’ self-confidence and independence as researchers and writers.
Evaluated, graded, and provided prompt feedback on students’ assignments.
Hosted student conferences to discuss feedback and individually support students.
January, 2019 – August, 2021
Peer Tutor, Odegaard Writing and Research Center, University of Washington, Seattle WA
Met with an average of ten university students a week to brainstorm, revise, and finalize various forms of writing.
Incorporated a non-directive approach into my teaching practice in order to help writers develop long-term, independent writing skills.
Facilitated a staff meeting workshop on “Emotions in Peer Tutoring” during Fall 2020.
Tutor a multilingual client weekly to work on English proficiency skills, from August 2021 to the present.
Published poems at the University of Washington’s Journal of Narrative Medicine, Capillaries; UW Daily’s Arts and Leisure section; and Speculative Fiction Magazine, AU: Straying from Reality.
Attended weekly Creative Writing Club meetings at the University of Illinois to collaborate with the artistic campus community.
Studied history in Rome, Vienna, Budapest, and Prague.